Leveraging AI in Financial Market Analysis
So should I abandon using AI for modeling the financial markets? Not quite, there are some models and machine learning applications that are useful.
I Asked ChatGPT4 To Tell Me How to Hyper-Scale Websites For Profit
By following these tips, you can create a successful niche website that generates significant profit.
How To Install Python On Your Computer — The Easy Way
This is a simple installation tutorial and guide to get Python on your machine.
Open Source Exploitation
Open Source is not free. If you’re a multi-billion company and use open source technology in your products or offer a service with it, you should pay.
You Are An Expendable Organic Robot
Over 76 people are confirmed killed that night, an estimated 70 alone in Kentucky with a majority of the dead coming from a candle company owned by Mayfield Consumer Products
Automation and Universal Basic Income
Tear it all down folks, burn it down. Automate, Resign, and Live your Life.
Work From Home
Work from home is here to stay if you’re lucky and fight for it. Organizations are desperate for RTO!
The Meme Stocks GME, AMC, and BB
Believe me, I’ve blown up plenty of personal trading accounts and had to go back to working jobs I didn’t like.
H2O Wave App Tutorials
H2O Wave is a new Open Source Pythonic framework for building applications. It lets you focus only on your code without worrying about CSS, Javascript, etc.
TensorFlow & Julia on a Jetson Nano
How to install Tensorflow and Julia on a Jetson Nano. My tips to prevent baldness (aka ripping your hair out!)