RapidMiner Tutorials
A comprehensive list of RapidMiner Tutorial Videos and Code.
120 min read
Word2Vec Example Process in RapidMiner
Build a Word2Vec model in RapidMiner. A sample tutorial process is shared.
Building an AI Financial Market Model - Lesson V
The final lesson for building an AI financial model to predict gold prices.
Process Mining For Competitive Advantage
How to use process mining with RapidMiner to make your processes go smoother and faster.
Mashing Up Julia Language with RapidMiner
A RapidMiner and Julia Language tutorial that reads a RapidMiner process and passes it to Julia to output a CSV.
Auto Generating Blog Posts with RapidMiner
I designed a RapidMiner process that downloads the historical stock data using three macros: symbol, start_date, and end_date.
Betting on RapidMiner in a Big Way
Nothing but blue skies I see, and the grass on the side looks pretty green!
Betting on RapidMiner in a Big Way
Nothing but blue skies I see, and the grass on the side looks pretty green!
Building an AI Financial Market Model - Lesson IV
Learn to do parameter optimization in RapidMiner and get trend accuracy
Building an AI Financial Market Model - Lesson III
Lesson 3 on how to use RapidMiner to build an AI machine learned financial time series model.